Brothers – my all time support! #AtoZchallenge

Someone who is already into my blog knows how much I m closer to my brothers. Not to everyone (I almost have a 30-35 cousin brothers in family) but some are vital part of my life. Something that is irreplaceable.. Often my weakness & the best strength.. They makes me laugh most of the time.. 😀 (omit the sober part.. 😉 ) Brother is a feeling.. ❤
I m lucky enough to have some of the best inside my family and away too. Often people will make us feel like family with their heart.. Proud to own them..

New-Arrival-Because-I-Have-A-font-b-Brother-b-font-DIY-Waterproof-Vinyl-font-bFor me brother is someone who is always beside you to lend shoulder to cry and give their nose to punch and laugh.. 😀 Someone who is ready to approve our opinions or who shoots it out straight to your face without making us feel awkward.. 😉 They know that we are ready to take the best from them and ready to give the best for them too.. Someone to whom we can open up our fears and blunders.. Someone with whom you can fight at the night and smile in the next morning.. 🙂 Someone who gives a share of their food if you are hungry and takes away from our plate without asking.. (this one is not about Shabee.. :P) Someone who know you are getting irritated and will keep on irritating.. o_O Someone who is ready to sacrifice their favorite movie for your next day presentation.. Someone who calls every weekend asking are you coming home today..Someone who make big talks when you are in crisis.. And someone who holds you from falling and shouts at mom that your daughter tried to pull me down.. 😀

BA very very very big toast to the big ones and little ones in my life.. My best brother Aashi.. My day & night support Nibin Chettan.. My funny bone Vishnu.. The big big Kp.. I love it when you people say I m the best sister in the world.. 🙂

And a very big hug to my lovely family.. Partners in crime.. my buddy Shibu.. Big bro Shahil.. All time talking & food partner Shabee.. the rock star Aju and super cool Thousi.. ❤
The biggest one Shibukka.. My ibnu’s cool dad Shagikka.. Reading consultant Sudhikka and laughing hub Kochumonkka..

IMG-20151021-WA0012Trust me!! You guys played a big role in making my life around more lively and lighter.. Owe you all.. I got a lot to mould myself from you all..
Love you!! ❤
Stay blessed!!
Long live.. 🙂

41 responses to “Brothers – my all time support! #AtoZchallenge”

  1. Wow Nimi… Such a great and sweet post.. Loved it. Brothers always play a great role in mentoring our life and also in sharing our feelings.
    Cousins are the great gang of friends which are gifted by God through blood relation.

    And 30-35? Wow. That’s great.. How many Raakhees you buy every year?? 😛

    Lovely read. Have a great weekend Nimi.. 🙂

  2. Wow sweets ! 🙂
    I definitely know the feeling and importance of brother in our lives. It’s a beautiful emotion to fight, cry, punch, love and care..And most importantly unconditional support !

    Love the post 🙂

  3. Until I read you I even forgot that B has brothers too 😛 But your take was best and nicest 🙂 Happy to see you surrounded with so much brotherly love ❤

  4. I have a younger brother and he’s special to me as well. All those brothers must be awesome and annoying (in a good way that siblings always are) all at once. Thanks for sharing.

    You have been minioned by Sheena-kay Graham
    Proud Minion of the Joy Brigade

  5. Elder brothers are a blessing i have just one brother and many cousin wonder i have the traits of a guy being brought along with them and playing their games..!!! Elder brother could also become a pain at times(all the guys are scared to approach you 😛 )

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Behind the words!

Started blogging as a student. The posts were
mostly a sum up of growing from a teenager to
the one who can deal with life in any crisis. Now
a work-from-home mother of a special child
who have been writing her thoughts since 2010.
As the life goes on, there were road blocks in
keeping the page intact, but trying the best to
explain how life around is feeling inside my head.